Trigger Events and Personalized Offers


Customers and prospects alike are more apt to buy when presented with an offer they want. It’s no good sending a personalized coupon for beef when they prefer chicken.

To learn offer preference we recommend posting a variety of offers every month for several months. By tracking their usage – what is viewed, used, or discarded – CherriPik learns an individual’s offer preference.

The next step: determine the trigger events. An alarm goes off - the phone rings - a text arrives - these are everyday events that trigger an action. In the world of business we might use new signups, purchases, or even visits as triggers for action.

By using analytics to evaluate a customer’s CherriPik usage over time we can identify both loyal and at risk customers, as well as likely prospects for your business. These inflection points can be set as trigger events to send a personalized offer.

'Smart Rewards' ties personalized offers with trigger events to help you get new customers, keep existing customers, and win back lost customers.